Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Measuring Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Measuring Performance - Essay ExampleAnd, swinish margin in 2011 was (26,978,000 / 57,400,000) = 0.47. (a) (ii) If, gross margin of a firm is higher in one socio-economic class compared to previous year, then it can be said that the company has shown higher capacity in converting its raw materials into revenues in that year compared to the last year. Thus, companies always want to make higher gross margin. But, it has been found that for Maldives Plc gross margin has declined from 2010 to 2011. It indicates that the company has been less(prenominal) efficient in converting its raw materials into revenues in 2011 compared to 2010. Thus, the performance of Maldives Plc has deteriorated in 2011 from 2010. Hence it can be said that, financial wellness of Maldives Plc was better in 2010 than in 2011. (Zairi, 1994) (b) (i) Issuing middling shares is a method of financial backing a companys productive activities. Total number of ordinary shares that the Maldives Plc had in issue in 201 0 was (14,300,000/ 2.86) = 5,000,000. Total number of ordinary shares that the Maldives Plc had in issue in 2011 was (16,320,000/ 2.72) = 6,000,000. (b) (ii) A company finances its productive activities either through equity or bowl debt. Equity financing implies issuing ordinary shares to public. On the other hand, debt financing implies taking loans from various organizations or individuals. Increasing in the volume of debt is not hot for a companys financial health as debt is huge liability for a company. (Spitzer, 2007) It is found that the number of ordinary shares issued by Maldives Plc has increased in 2011 from 2010. It implies that the company has put more stress on equity financing in 2011 than in 2011. However, in order to get clearer picture about the financing activities of Maldives, it is necessary to have information on long term and short term debt financing of Maldives Plc in 2011 and 2010. Although, it is not still clear from the number of ordinary shares in 2010 and 2011 whether the burden of debt has increased or decreased. The increase in the number of ordinary shares in 2011 will be a good indictor for the financial health of the company if it is coupled with decreased in debt financing. Hence, I would like to have more information on long term and short term debt of Maldives Plc in 2010 and 2011. (Spitzer, 2007) (c) (i) Price earning ratio of a company is generally measured by dividing the market expense a stock in a particular year by earnings per share in that year. Here, the market prices of ordinary share issued by Maldives Plc in 2010 and 2011 had been ? 42.90 and ? 38.08 respectively. Now, earnings per ordinary share had been ? 2.86 and ? 2.72. Thus, price-earning ratio for 2010 was (42.90/2.86) = 15. And, price-earning ratio for 2011 was (38.08/2.72) = 14. (c) (ii) The price earning ratio for a stock in reality reflects the association between the market price of the ordinary shares issued by the company and the earnings per sh are issued by the company in a particular period. This ratio is extensively used determine profitability of a company. The market uses the information on profitability of a company to determine the price of the stock issued by that company. If profitability shows an increasing trend, then market also responds by increasing price per ordinary share. But, a downward trend in profitability acts as a bad signal regarding the performance of the company to the market. The market generally responds to a decline in profitability by

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